Create a New Look with DIY Wall Art

Tired of looking at those same old walls? You could spice things up with a mirror here and there, perhaps some nice framed art or even a new coat of paint with a faux finish that transforms flat walls with opulent designs. Or you could go an even more unique route and create unique wall art that is sure to become a conversation piece.
Photo Credit: Spaces Design by New York Paint & Wall Coverings | Janna Makaeva, Cutting Edge Stencils
Transform a Room with Stencils
Stencils are a great way to create art on your walls without hanging up yet another picture. Stenciling has been used for centuries as a way to make walls look more personal, and it's very simple. All you need are some appealing stencils, the right kind of paint, a steady hand and patience.
Start out with a wall that has been painted your desired color. For the best results, the paint you choose for your stencil should contrast enough to stand out, even in dim lighting. For instance, a black wall with a white stencil can look great, and so can a gray wall with a yellow stencil. The options are endless!
Photo Credit: Spaces Design by New York Paint & Wall Coverings | Janna Makaeva, Cutting Edge Stencils
Depending upon the space and complexity, there are many ways to use your stencils. Attach the stencil to the all with a painter's tape. You can then trace around the stencil openings with a pencil and choose to paint later, or you can dab the paint directly on the stencil. Tracing is usually a preferred method, because it allows you to correct mistakes, such as a stencil that doesn't quite fit appropriately the first time you try it.
Take your time with stenciling the walls - this is a project meant to draw attention, so you want it to draw attention for all the right reasons and none of the wrong ones!
Collections Make a Big Impression
If stencils seem like too much work, collections can make your wall art easier. If you have particular items you love to collect, your wall art can reflect that part of your personal style. For instance, if you love the outdoors, collect a variety of leaves and put them in inexpensive yet handsome frames. Then attach the frames to the wall in an eye-catching display.
Photo Credit: Eclectic Bedroom design by New York Architect Incorporated
Don't like frames? Put collections directly on the wall! Hang your pictures in various sizes with colorful pins, cover your wall with a giant map that includes flags to mark your travels, or tack your child's drawings up on a wall to create a modern-art installation in your own home.
Go Freestyle!
If none of these orderly things appeal to you, branch out into something whimsical and random. Quotes pinned on a wall in freehand not only look great, but give you the satisfaction of seeing your own handwriting on the wall. Let your kids have a "graffiti" day - give them paints and a few ideas, then set them to work. Budding artists absolutely love to do this in their own rooms. It makes their space extra-special.
Photo Credit: Contemporary Kids design by Minneapolis Architect Jaque Bethke for PURE Design Environments, Inc.
If you want the freestyle look but you're not ready to commit to something too random, create freestyle stencils and use those to etch what you want on your walls. Simply cut out the stencils, tape a small level to them and use that to help ensure that the freestyle designs or writing stay perfectly straight on the walls.
Whether you choose to paint something whimsical with cans of spray paint or opt for something much more sedate, your wall decorations can become a focal point of the room, a great conversation piece, and a constant example of a satisfying job well done. Best of all, these creative walls can make your space even more personal, giving you a deeper connection to your home.
(*You are reading an article originally posted on Build Direct Blog)

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